The Mandy DCIM

The Mandy’s initial project which is called the Mandy DCIM  is about monitoring and controlling the data centers. Not only the Mandy DCIM monitors and controls environmental conditions, but also ensures the stability of power supply sources. While the available commercial products are monitoring only the environmental conditions; the Mandy DCIM provides an AI solution in order to ensure the stability of the electricity network, to ensure the stability of the communication network.

The main goals of the design, supply and implementation of integrated and intelligent energy consumption monitoring and control system in telecommunication centers and data centers are as follows:

  • Energy Consumption Reduction: Using an integrated and intelligent monitoring and control system, energy consumption in telecommunication centers and data centers can be reduced to the minimum possible.
  • Efficiency Increase and Performance Improvement: Strict monitoring and control of all operations in telecommunication centers and data centers, improve the efficiency and performance of these centers, as well as increase efficiency and effectiveness in telecommunication operations.
  • Energy Costs Reduction: Reduction in energy consumption, leads to reduction is energy-related costs, which can bring significant financial savings for organizations and companies.
  • Environmental Protection: Reduction in energy consumption in telecommunication centers and data centers, leads to the conservation of the environment.

The Mandy DCIM examines and records environmental variables in every moment in a completely accurate manner. In the other words, the purpose of the Mandy DCIM is checking all the variable factors which could cause dangerous and irreparable failure. In the case of that the Mandy DCIM is installed, if any changes in environmental conditions happen, the data center manager is notified by a series of signs and warnings. Furthermore, in case of any failure, it informs the administrator of the data center by using any type of alarm such as siren, email, SMS, etc.

Some important general environmental elements to be monitored are as follows:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Dust
  • Movement
  • Smoke
  • Water leakage
  • Lighting